Holy Family Parish
Polish National Catholic Church
PO Box 232 4316 Route 98
North Java, New York 14113
Phone (585) 457-1153
e-mail: holyfamilyparishnj@gmail.com

Facebook: facebook.com/HolyFamilyPNCC


Holy Family North Java  You Tube

Pastor: Rev. Father Corey Foegen

Welcome to Holy Family National Catholic Church (PNCC)


A Catholic Church where each parish decides its own destiny.
A Catholic Church that welcomes all who wish to follow Christ.
​A Catholic Church where the parishioners purchase, maintain, and manage the parish property.
A Catholic Church where priests can be married.

You don’t have to imagine anymore!

​See what else the National Catholic Church can offer in the way of Spiritual fulfillment, fellowship, and love!    

Please visit us on Facebook at Holy Family Parish
 or come in person and experience belonging to a community.

Join us for Parish Coffee Social
Our Coffee Socials are every 1st and 3rd Sundays of the moth. Please come join us for some fellowship and refreshments.



The PNCC and its Symbol
The Polish National Catholic Church was formed in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1897. It was organized by Father Francis Hodur (1866-1953) who became the first Bishop of the Church.   The PNCC is Apostolic and all of its Sacraments are valid and accepted by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches.   The symbol of the PNCC is a Book, the Sun, the Cross, and a Palm.

The Book signifies the Word of God. The Sun means religious freedom and fervor. The Cross signifies suffering and consecration for others.  The Palm stands for peace.  The mission of the PNCC is to help members remember that their purpose in life is to know and serve God and establish His Kingdom on Earth; to live life according to Christ’s principles of truth, righteousness and love for all people; and to grow Spiritually through faithful worship and participation in the Sacraments, and by fulfilling duties to family, nation and humankind.


Choose to spend time with Our Lord each day
and your life will change for the better.

Spread the word of the Lord,

bring a friend to church. 
ALL are welcome.

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